Saturday, May 13, 2006


Taza has a crush

Meowike was surfing the 'net and I happened by. He said that there was a web page that had cats like me, Siamese. I said, meow, sure let's check it out. So we went to Black & Tan Siamese. We were checking it out and all of a sudden, there was the cutest guy there, Balor. I read all of his adventures and thought it would be nice if I could get a date with him. Meowike said that he lived far away, and he already had several girlfriends anyway. Oh well, at least I can go back to his blog from time to time and check him out. I wonder if he looks at my blog? Meowike said yeah, probably, 'cause his mom has looked at it, so he is probably looking too. I wonder if he thinks I'm cute. Oh well, maybe I can get a guy like that someday!

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